Monday the 31st: Dress up as your favorite character from the book The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Students are allowed to dress up as any character from the book. It does not have to be elaborate at all. Face paint, hair coloring, wigs and masks. No weapons of any kind even toy ones.
We will watch the animated version of the movie and enjoy snacks while we watch. Thank you to the parents you have volunteered to send in some treats for the kids to enjoy during the movie.
Spelling: Spelling List #5 focusing on long oo and long u
fruit cute mule stool few rules new knew bedroom musical
rescue spoon computer moon perfume
Review words: height silent reply
Challenge words: barbecue suitcase
Test for spelling list #5 will be on Friday, November 11th.
CCSS: End of unit 1 math assessment. We will work on our first unit assessment in class.
Mountain Math: We have started using mountain math which covers 16 varieties of math skills each week. There will be a math test on Friday that will assess their retention of math skills covered.
Reading and Language:
Grammar Rule 6: Plural nouns-add s or es. Most nouns just add s: clocks, boats. Nouns ending in s, sh, ch, x, or z add es: peaches, watches, foxes. Nouns ending in a consonant followed by y-change y to i and add es: babies, cherries, berries.
Vocabulary focus on words: drought, fragile, prepare, spectacular
Reading stories and answering comprehension questions in partner groups.
Mountain Language: We have started using Mountain Language to focus on grammar, capitalization, alphabetic order, sentence parts, punctuation and spelling. A test will be given every other week to assess their retention of language arts skills.
- Students will have paper math homework on Tuesday and Thursday. They will have flashcards coming home with them to create and bring back to school. They may make a set to keep at home as well.
- IXL homework on Monday and Wednesday. IXL homework below-
Monday: Third grade- Estimation and Rounding P.1 and P.2 and Multiplication Fluency G.4.
Wednesday: Third grade-Multiplication skill builder F.6 and Subtraction D.4
- Nightly reading. Please sign your child's October reading calendar and return to school by Friday.
Dates to Remember
Tuesday: Pizza orders due for Wednesday lunch. (The senior class sells pizza every week to raise money for their class trip at the end of the year. Students can purchase a slice of cheese or pepperoni for $1 each. We collect the orders and money on Tuesdays and the students receive their pizza at their lunch time on Wednesday. Students cannot purchase pizza on Wednesday.
Swimming at the YMCA this Friday, November 4th. We have a lot of women for help but could really use a man to help in the boys' bathroom if anyone can. We really appreciate the help! We have 4 lessons left. Please let me know if you can come help during the lesson.
Thanksgiving Break is November 21st through 25th- No school.
Reminder: Please remind your child to bring a snack each day, especially those eating hot lunch as we eat very late in our day at 12:40 pm. We stop each day at 10:20 am for a snack to keep ourselves fueled up for learning!