Spelling words for the next two weeks: List #5
backpack awake workbook cupcake spoke
quake dislike sunblock check flock
strike brake click cook lock
Frequency Words (must know)
there each your these would
Spelling Test Thursday, December 10th
Homework: Students will have Math homework on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. It is so important for students to work on their homework and bring it with them the next day as we use it as a learning tool and go over it as a class the next day and it does not benefit students who have not attempted the work on their own first. I appreciate the time you give to helping your child and the rest of the class be prepared for learning the next day!
Nightly reading and recording minutes read on December Calendar is also important homework as well as practicing spelling words.
Nightly reading and recording minutes read on December Calendar is also important homework as well as practicing spelling words.
Share Days:
Monday the 30th: Anthony
Tuesday the 1st: Ravyn
Wednesday the 2nd: Hunter
Thursday the 3rd: Diego
Friday the 4th: Jesse
Monday the 7th: Preston
Monday the 30th: Anthony
Tuesday the 1st: Ravyn
Wednesday the 2nd: Hunter
Thursday the 3rd: Diego
Friday the 4th: Jesse
Monday the 7th: Preston
Dates to remember:
Tuesday, December 1st: Pizza orders due
Friday, December 4th: Jeans Day for $1 and Snack Shack open.
Friday, December 4th: Jeans Day for $1 and Snack Shack open.
Thursday, December 17th: Christmas Musical Program at 6:00 pm at the Nampa First Church of the Nazarene in Nampa.
Friday, December 18th: Class Christmas Party at 12:30 pm. A volunteer/supplies needed letter will be sent home with students on Wednesday, December 2nd.
December 19th through January 3rd: Christmas Break-No School.