This Week in Third Grade~~February 24th through 28th, 2020
Spelling: List #C20 /ar/ and /or/
Spelling Words: award guard quarter harvest warned carpet warmth starving garden reward cartoon alarm charm swarm toward
Review Words: babies countries glasses
Challenge Words: sergeant argument
Alternative Spelling List #C20 /ar/ and /or/
award cartoon charm swarm garden harvest warned warmth reward carpet alarm starving *Spelling test will be on Friday, February 28th this week. Spelling City assignments are due by Sunday 3/1/20
ELA: English Language Arts:
- Grammar--Conjunctions
- Point of View NonFiction reading unit
- Continuing reading Trumpet of the Swan
- Vocabulary--pounce, scarce, briskly, edible, and tolerate. WOW Word: overfill
- Writing--Informational Writing and animal research project.
- Topic 16 Perimeter
- Tuesday, February 25th: 16.2 Perimeter of Common Shapes * Homework due Wednesday 2/26/20.
- Thursday, February 20th: Lesson 16.4 Same Perimeter, Different Area. * Homework due Friday 2/27/20
- Homework will be on every Tuesday and Thursday and is due the following day for 5 points in the gradebook. Homework is a very important part of learning and retaining all that they are learning in class.
- Mystery Science Lesson 13 Why Do Plants Give Us Fruit?
- Students will become familiar with the different websites we will use in class and how to find the links on our class blog page.
- Students will work on typing skills.
- We will stop each morning at 10:00 am to have a snack since our lunch is so late in the afternoon (12:38 pm) Please help your 3rd grader remember to grab a snack so they will be able to continue their focus.
- Reading Homework (This is for a grade):
- February Reading Calendar. Reading homework is graded on 400 or more minutes of at home reading and is part of your child's grade worth 100 points. February Calendars will be due by March .
- Math Homework: (This is for a grade)
- Tuesday, February 25th: 16.2 Perimeter of Common Shapes * Homework due Wednesday 2/26/20.
- Thursday, February 20th: Lesson 16.4 Same Perimeter, Different Area. * Homework due Friday 2/27/20
- Spelling Homework:
- List #C20 /ar/ and /or/ and any unfinished Spelling City Assignments. Spelling City login is child's firstnamelastname and password is Vision 2019.
- Specials:
- Music and PE will be meeting more than once a week. The schedule is to the right, on our class blog page. Please encourage your child to dress in appropriate clothing and shoes for the PE days.
Dates to Remember:
- March 2nd through 5th: Dr Seuss Celebration Week
- Monday 2nd: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Wear red and blue.
- Tuesday 3rd: Fox in Socks (wear crazy socks)
- Wednesday 4th: Green Eggs and Ham (wear green)
- Thursday 5th: Cozy Up with a Good Book (wear pajamas)
- Friday 6th: No School
- Thursday, March 5th: End of Third Quarter
- Friday, March 6th: No School (Lottery for 20/21 school year)
- March 23rd-27th: Spring Break
This Week in Third Grade~~February 18th through 21st, 2020
Spelling: List #C19 Contractions
Spelling Words: I'd I'm I've isn't aren't let's what's how's haven't hasn't where's we'll couldn't shouldn't would've
Review Words: motion thought position
Challenge Words: weren't doesn't
Alternative Spelling List #C19 Contractions
I'd I'm I've isn't aren't let's what's how's haven't hasn't where's we'll
*Spelling test will be on Friday, February 21st this week. Spelling City assignments are due by Sunday 2/23/20
ELA: English Language Arts:
- Grammar--Reviewing Unit 2 test and Superlatives and Comparatives
- Point of View NonFiction reading unit
- We will start reading Trumpet of the Swan next.
- Vocabulary-- occupation, frenzy, sturdy, saturate, anonymous. WOW Word: overfill
- Writing--Informational Writing and animal research project.
- Topic 6 Connect Area to Multiplication and Addition
- Tuesday, February 18th: Lesson 6.5 Apply Properties-Area and Distributive Property. * Homework due Wednesday 2/19/20.
- Thursday, February 20th: Lesson 6.6 Apply Properties-Area of Irregular Shapes. * Homework due Friday 2/21/20
- Homework will be on every Tuesday and Thursday and is due the following day for 5 points in the gradebook. Homework is a very important part of learning and retaining all that they are learning in class.
- Mystery Science Lesson 12: Why Do Plants Grow Flowers?
- Students will become familiar with the different websites we will use in class and how to find the links on our class blog page.
- Students will work on typing skills.
- We will stop each morning at 10:00 am to have a snack since our lunch is so late in the afternoon (12:38 pm) Please help your 3rd grader remember to grab a snack so they will be able to continue their focus.
- Reading Homework (This is for a grade):
- February Reading Calendar. Reading homework is graded on 400 or more minutes of at home reading and is part of your child's grade worth 100 points. February Calendars will be due by March .
- Math Homework: (This is for a grade)
- Tuesday, February 18th: Lesson 6.5 Apply Properties-Area and Distributive Property. * Homework due Wednesday 2/19/20.
- Thursday, February 20th: Lesson 6.6 Apply Properties-Area of Irregular Shapes. * Homework due Friday 2/21/20
- Spelling Homework:
- List #C19 Contractions and any unfinished Spelling City Assignments. Spelling City login is child's firstnamelastname and password is Vision 2019.
- Specials:
- Music and PE will be meeting more than once a week. The schedule is to the right, on our class blog page. Please encourage your child to dress in appropriate clothing and shoes for the PE days.
Dates to Remember:
- Tuesday, February 18th: Boise Philharmonic Children's Concert Field Trip.
- Thursday, March 5th: End of Third Quarter
- Friday, March 6th: No School (Lottery for 20/21 school year)
- March 23rd-27th: Spring Break
This Week in Third Grade~~February 10th through 14th, 2020
Spelling: List #C18 Plurals
Spelling Words: plants batteries valleys coaches babies countries bakeries movies highways trays boxes cherries matches glasses beaches
Review Words: bridge arrange courage
Challenge Words: tomatoes chimneys
Alternative Spelling List #C18 Plurals
plants valleys coaches babies bakeries movies trays boxes cherries matches glasses beaches
*Spelling test will be on Friday, February 14th this week. Spelling City assignments are due by Sunday 2/9/20
ELA: English Language Arts:
- Grammar--Reviewing Unit 2
- Reading--Nonfiction Point of View
- Mouse mazes: Students will work in groups to create a mouse maze using legos as a way to celebrate the end of our Ralph S Mouse book
- We will start reading Trumpet of the Swan next.
- Vocabulary-- occupation, frenzy, sturdy, saturate, anonymous. WOW Word: overfill
- Writing--Informational Writing.
- Starting Topic 6 Connect Area to Multiplication and Addition
- Tuesday, February 11th: Lesson 6.2 Area: Non-Standard Units. * Homework due Wednesday 2/12/20.
- Thursday, February 13th: Lesson 6.4 Area of Squares and Rectangles. * Homework due Friday 2/14/20
- Homework will be on every Tuesday and Thursday and is due the following day for 5 points in the gradebook. Homework is a very important part of learning and retaining all that they are learning in class.
- Mystery Science Lesson 11: How can you keep a house from blowing away in a windstorm?
- Students will become familiar with the different websites we will use in class and how to find the links on our class blog page.
- Students will work on typing skills.
- We will stop each morning at 10:00 am to have a snack since our lunch is so late in the afternoon (12:38 pm) Please help your 3rd grader remember to grab a snack so they will be able to continue their focus.
- Reading Homework (This is for a grade):
- January reading calendars due on February 4th, 2020. Reading homework is graded on 400 or more minutes of at home reading and is part of your child's grade worth 100 points. February Calendars will be sent home on Monday, February 3rd.
- Math Homework: (This is for a grade)
- Tuesday, February 11th: Lesson 6.2 Area: Non-Standard Units. * Homework due Wednesday 2/12/20.
- Thursday, February 13th: Lesson 6.4 Area of Squares and Rectangles. * Homework due Friday 2/14/20
- Spelling Homework:
- List #C18 Plurals and any unfinished Spelling City Assignments. Spelling City login is child's firstnamelastname and password is Vision 2019.
- Specials:
- Music and PE will be meeting more than once a week. The schedule is to the right, on our class blog page. Please encourage your child to dress in appropriate clothing and shoes for the PE days.
Dates to Remember:
- Valentine's Day Party, Friday, February 14th from 1:30 pm to 2:15 pm. Students will need to make their own container for Valentines and make sure their name is visible for other students to find. A list of student names will be included in the parent email.
- No School Monday, February 17th for President's Day.